Thursday, September 29, 2011

29 Sept 2011

Peaches - O Henry Peaches are still available today until Saturday and then the peaches will be gone. O Henry are very sweet peaches with good peach flavor.
Apples - Golden Delicious are very good today.
Rome Apples - Very good cooking apple.
Empire Apples - Taste like a McIntosh apple and good cooking apple.
Jonathan Apples - We do not have many Jonathan Apples. Those who like Jonathan should come by early today.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

27 Sept 2011

Peaches - We have O'Henry peaches today.
Apples - We have Empire (Like a McIntosh), Rome, and Golden Delicious Apples today.
Open 10 am - 6 pm

Saturday, September 24, 2011

24 Sept 2011

Peaches - The Angelus are gone, but we will start picking O'Henry either Monday or Tuesday, depending on when they ripen a little more.
Apples - We have Golden Delicious, Empire (improved McIntosh) which is a good cooking apple,
and will start picking Rome apples on Monday.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

20 Sept 2011

Peaches - Today will be the last picking of Elbertas.
We will have Angelus Peaches today and through the week. Excellent flavor and size.
Apples - Galas are still available for a few more days.
We will have Empires, which are an improved MacIntosh apple, starting today and through the week.
Golden delicious will start on Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

14 Sept 2011

Peaches - We will be picking Elberta peaches Thursday 13 Sept and Saturday 15 Sept. Mother nature picked quite a few of the peaches with the big winds last week.
Apples - Gala Apples are available daily the rest of this week.
Hours: 10 am to 6 pm

Sunday, September 11, 2011

12 Sept 2011 to 17 Sept 2011

If the weather permits:
Peaches: Gleason Elberta (aka Lemon or Early Improved elberta) will be available Monday thru Saturday. Very good canning peach. Very good eating peach also.
The next peaches to ripen will be the J H Hale and Angelus. We expect these early next week. Mother nature always determines the exact dates for ripening fruit.
Apples: Gala apples will be available all week.
Empire apples (an improved macintosh apple) should be available beginning late this week.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

8 Sept 2011

Peaches - Loring and Suncrest peaches are available today. The Elbertas will be starting on Saturday with the biggest pickings next week.
Apples - Gala Apples are available today.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

7 Sept 2011

Peaches - Loring and Suncrest available today
Apples - Gala apples available today
Hours 10 am - 6 pm

Friday, September 2, 2011

2 Sept. 2011

We will have a big picking of Canadian Harmony and Loring Peaches on Saturday, 3 Sept. We will start selling at 10 a.m.
We will also have Gala Apples on 3 Sept.